• Graphic Design

    Graphic design is a critical piece of all your marketing efforts. From your logo to your publications, reports, letterhead and more, cutting-edge graphic design will set your apart in your field.
    Our graphic artists are ready to tackle your next design project
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  • Graphic Design

    Many clients are investing in "Search Engine Optimization." It's a great way to help ensure your website shows up when someone does a search for a certain keyword or phrase.
    Let Precision Design explain the ins and outs of SEO and how it can help you beat your competition.
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  • SEO Search Engine Opimization

    A great rule is that you want to be where your customers hang out. For most people these days, it's social media – that's FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and many other similar places.
    We can help you get started... or take over management of your current social marketing efforts.
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  • Social Marketing via FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIn

    Marketing is a key component of your business. Although we do a lot of digital marketing these days, we firmly believe in the power of guerrilla-style, old school marketing that is still cost effective and efficient.
    Contact us to
    see how we can ignite your marketing.
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MMI Preparatory School

“MMI saw a 35 percent increase in enrollment following Precision Design marketing campaigns.”

shergalis 375

“Precision Design has been the agency of record for MMI Preparatory School for more than 15 years. The agency spearheads all of the school’s public relations, print publications, advertising campaigns, photography and web development. In 2005, the school’s board of directors turned to Precision Design for assistance with increasing enrollment during tough economic times and authorized a major campaign the agency proposed. The results of the agency’s campaigns over the next two years exceeded our projections and expectations as we saw an increase of nearly 35 percent in enrollment. In fact, MMI expanded its sixth- and ninth-grade classes due to the rise in the number of students at our school. Several of the projects the agency did for MMI also won prestigious awards, furthering our standing as an independent school.”

since 1993

Marketing consulting
Public relations
Web development
Advertising, print, radio and television
Publications development, annual reports, newsletters, donor reports, view books

Call 570-455-3533 to learn how we can help.